Hi! I created SoSheeba.com in an effort to share the many adventures I've encountered as a young, working professional, who happens to be natural.
I initially went natural in 2005, but because I had not taken the time to learn about natural hair care and maintenance, I returned to relaxers shortly after. I made another attempt in 2009 when I cut all my hair and subsequently 'taught' myself how to care for it as it grew.
Sheeba's been in my life for four years now, and she's taught me many valuable lessons, mainly to love my hair and love myself in a natural state.
Transitioning and being natural can be an intimidating task for some. For others, it can be a wonderful learning experience, I've been blessed to have the latter occur. It's my hope that my experiences and lessons learned will help others who may be considering natural hair, or already have natural hair and are seeking guidance on how to care for, grow, and maintain their kinky coils.
Thanks for stopping by and happy growing!