There's something about a handful of friends having a good time over good food, games, and some spirits.
A while ago I began serving dinner at a local homeless shelter in DC. Despite the rumors that the homeless people near the White House are really secret service agents, 23% of the DMV population is considered homeless. What's even more heartbreaking is the fact that over 3,000 children are included in this statistic. (source: Homelessness in Metropolitan Washington)
I've always had a servant's heart. My parents (mummy in particular) involved us in various donation/charitable event/ volunteer opp linked to Haiti since I can remember. So when I found out that the organization I volunteer with also has a shower program, my wheels began spinning on how I could help those in need.
This year I wanted to do something different, something with a philanthropic twist. Enter the bless bag.
Since they receive clothing contributions on the regular, I decided to make a contribution of toiletry items that participants could take with them after showering and changing their clothes. I then made up my mind to throw a holiday philanthro-party, where instead of playing Taboo, spades or dominoes for 5 hours, we spend that time creating these toiletry/snack (bless) bags to donate.
So a few weeks ago, I sent out a clarion call to my friends and set up a sign-up sheet of items needed, and like the rock-stars they are, the donations came rolling in. These bless bags included one of each of the following:
Moist Towelettes
Hand Sanitizer Wipes
Dental Flossers
Granola Bars
Pudding Cups
Crackers& Cheese
Juice Boxes
Index card w/ encouraging scripture
In the end, we had stuffed over 75 bags to donate. I know I'm blessed, but volunteering at this shelter has opened my eyes and heart to the reality that not everyone is as fortunate as I am, or as many of us are to indulge in some of the simplest pleasures in life such as sitting down to a meal, or laying in a warm bed at night. It's my hope that through these re-occurring bless bag parties, we'll provide some of the most basic items to the neediest of society.
If you're looking for a way to help the less fortunate this holiday season, why not throw a bless bag party and then hand them out to the homeless person you pass by everyday during your commute to work? Or even at a park where homeless persons are known to spend the night?
You're blessed in order to be a blessing...so be one.
Happy Holidays friends.
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed - Proverbs 19:17
In the end, we had stuffed over 75 bags to donate. I know I'm blessed, but volunteering at this shelter has opened my eyes and heart to the reality that not everyone is as fortunate as I am, or as many of us are to indulge in some of the simplest pleasures in life such as sitting down to a meal, or laying in a warm bed at night. It's my hope that through these re-occurring bless bag parties, we'll provide some of the most basic items to the neediest of society.
If you're looking for a way to help the less fortunate this holiday season, why not throw a bless bag party and then hand them out to the homeless person you pass by everyday during your commute to work? Or even at a park where homeless persons are known to spend the night?
You're blessed in order to be a blessing...so be one.
Happy Holidays friends.
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed - Proverbs 19:17