In my former life, I would simply head to the salon for a blow-out and strut my bouncing, pin-curled mane to the function. Nowadays, things do not flow as easily. I fret about my hair, and more specifically, how people will view my hairstyle.
You see, I have this paranoid notion that Sheeba - in all her glory - offends some people.

While preparing my lunch in the office kitchen, said coworker approached me, and asked if it was really 'necessary' to wear my hair 'that way' and then went on to voice her opinion on how natural hair was 'unprofessional.'
At first I was stunned, then her comment triggered the memory of my mothers negative reaction to my choice to go natural. My shock turned into pity. I was sad that she voiced her opinion in a room full of 'others', sad that she thought natural hair was unprofessional, and truly sad at the level of self-hate she had for her own natural appearance.
Now I was raised to respect my elders, but she pressed a button that had no emergency shut-off valve, and I had to tell her about herself. I calmly said that I was sorry she thought natural hair was 'unprofessional.' Then asked whether she was upset over how long/big my hair was OR whether she was upset over the fact that chemicals had ravaged her hair to the point that she didn't even have enough for a pony-tail. I left the room after telling her that I thought being bald-headed was unprofessional as well.
I don't regret my reaction, and I never will. If someone were to repeat the same phrase, they would get the same reply.
My crown is my glory. There is nothing unprofessional about natural hair that is coiffed appropriately. I am no longer as paranoid over how people view my hairstyle choices as I once was, but it is something I struggle with every now and then.
My mother has since warmed up to Sheeba and always tells me not to look like a 'fuzzy peach.' If I have a wedding, conference, interview, or speaking engagement, my hair will always be in a neat style whether that be a twisted up-do, press, or sleek bun.

My experience has been that 'professional' hair is what you make of it. As long as you're not defending your dissertation or presenting your deliverable to a client looking like Celie from the Color Purple, your hairstyle is your choice.
So next time you have a (semi) professional or formal event to attend, and panic over how to style your mane, relax....choose a style you love and let your confidence shine.
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